If you have any special requests about shipping, please contact us at or +91 905 465 8870 (toll free) before placing your order.

Most of our products are made to order, and take approximately 3-5 weeks to be ready. Once ready, we will ship the items via one of our leading expedited shipping providers. Please note that bad weather conditions may affect these timelines. You agree that Luxurian is not liable for any delays caused by weather conditions or similar events outside the reasonable control of Luxurian or its shipping providers.

Customs processing and import duties are handled by our shipping service providers, such as Aramex, FedEx, DHL, USPS, etc. They may contact you to let you know about any customs fees you may have to pay. If you need assistance or documents to facilitate custom processing, please contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

We ship most of our orders using Overnight Priority Shipping. Once your item has shipped, use the tracking number provided to track your purchase.

Once you order, you can rest assured knowing your purchase is protected. Luxurion insures each shipped item for its full value when it reaches you. Your items are protected from theft, loss, and damage - all at no additional cost to you.

We recommend that you only use Luxurion's shipping services when shipping your order. If you use shipment services not insured by Luxurion, Luxurion is not responsible for any shipments that are lost or stolen.

Your purchase will be shipped directly to your address so you can receive it in the comfort of your own home. For your security, a signature is required upon delivery of the order.

We can only change your shipping address until your order is ready to ship. When you receive a tracking email, your order is ready to ship. Once your order is ready to ship, we cannot guarantee that your request to change your shipping address can be accepted. This is applicable for both new orders and orders coming from our repair workshop. Please note, depending on the shipping address change, you may have to pay additional tax charges which will be invoiced to you. If the difference in taxes is less than the original charge of shipping taxes, you will receive a refund for the difference.

*Luxurion Free Shipping does not cover any taxes and duties that may apply to the purchase you make. Please carefully review our pricing and payment policy here.